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Dr Bryan Sim

Dr Sim Bryan

​MBBS, M Med(Ophth), FAMS, FRCOphth (UK)


Singapore National Eye Centre

Specialty: Ophthalmology, Cataract & Comprehensive Ophthalmology

Clinical Interest: Cataract & Comprehensive Ophthalmology

Clinical Appointments

  • Consultant Cataract & Comprehensive Ophthalmology Department Singapore National Eye CentreSingapore National Eye Centre
  • Consultant Myopia Centre Singapore National Eye CentreSingapore National Eye Centre
  • Consultant SNEC Eye Clinic @ SKH Singapore National Eye CentreSingapore National Eye Centre
  • Consultant SNEC Eye Clinic @ SKH Sengkang General HospitalSengkang General Hospital

Academic Appointments

  • Deputy Program Lead, Optometry Training SingHealth Duke-NUS Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences Academic Clinical Programme


Dr Bryan Sim is a Consultant with the Cataract & Comprehensive Ophthalmology Department and Myopia Centre at the Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC). His current practice includes the management of childhood and adult myopia, paediatric, general and comprehensive ophthalmology, and cataracts. He also has a keen interest in paediatric Neuro-ophthalmic conditions. He graduated from the National University of Singapore, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM) with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery in 2013. He subsequently embarked on his Ophthalmology training under the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education-International (ACGME-I) certified SingHealth Ophthalmology Residency Programme at SNEC, and obtained his post-graduate Master of Medicine in Ophthalmology qualification in 2018. He is also a Visiting Consultant at KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital Eye Centre. 

He attained his Ophthalmology Specialist accreditation and was admitted as a Fellow of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore in 2021, where he was awarded 4 Gold Medals for Best Candidate in Paediatric Ophthalmology; Neuro-Ophthalmology; Oculoplastic & Adnexal Diseases and Generic stations in the Specialists’ Exit Examination. He was subsequently inducted as a Fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists (FRCOphth) in 2023. 

As a clinician educator, Dr Sim has a keen interest in medical education and fervently believes in reinventing new approaches to nurture the next generation of doctors and healthcare professionals. In recognition of his continued contributions to medical education, Dr Sim was awarded the prestigious Junior Doctor Teaching Award by NUS in 2020 and he continues to be passionately involved in NUS-YLLSOM, LKCSOM undergraduate and DUKE-NUS postgraduate teaching of ophthalmology to medical students, residents, general physicians, nurses as well as allied health professionals including optometrists. He has won multiple teaching awards including the SNEC All-Rounded Clinician Educator Award in 2022 and Bandage Contact Lens Tutor Award in 2023. Dr Sim is an adjunct Clinician Educator (EYE ACP) and is a committee member for Ophthalmology undergraduate medical education, Advanced Graduate Diploma for Optometrists and is a clinical tutor for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) for optometrists. 

He completed his local fellowship in Myopia at the Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) in 2023 and aims and strives to provide holistic care and education to the community to alleviate the current Myopia epidemic in Asia and globally. He also has a special interest in managing paediatric eye diseases including that of paediatric neuro-ophthalmic eye conditions and hopes to expand on this niche service domain. 

He is committed to serving the community at large, and regularly volunteers at community eye screening projects. He is also active in ophthalmic research for both myopia and paediatric Neuro-ophthalmology and has published scientific papers in respected peer-reviewed medical journals while presenting his research work at international and local scientific conferences.


  • ​FRCOphth (UK) (2023)
  • FAMS (2021)
  • M Med(Ophth) (2018)
  • MBBS (2013)

Professional Appointments and Committee Memberships

  • Clinician Educator, SingHealth Duke-NUS Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences Academic Clinical Programme (EYE ACP) (2020 to present)
  • Clinical Instructor, SingHealth Duke-NUS (2021 to present)
  • Clinical Lecturer, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM) (2021 to present)
  • Committee Member, SNEC Undergraduate Education Committee, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore (2021 to present)
  • Committee Member, SNEC Optometry Residency Committee (2022 to present)
  • Fellow, The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth), United Kingdom (2023 to present)
  • Fellow, Academy of Medicine, Singapore (2021 to present)
  • Associate in Education, SingHealth Academy (2020 to present)


  • SNEC Education Townhall - Bandage Contact Lens Tutor Award (2023)
  • SNEC Education Townhall - Best All Rounded Educator Award (2022)
  • ​Gold Medallist - Best Candidate in Paediatric Ophthalmology; Neuro-Ophthalmology; Oculoplastic & Adnexal Diseases and Generic stations - Joint Committee on Specialist Training (JCST) (FAMS) Exit Examination (2021)
  • Dean’s Visit Award, Junior Doctor Teaching Award, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore (2020)
  • Singapore Health Quality Service Award, SingHealth (2020, 2021)

Research Interests


  1. Sim B; Jeannette Goh; Sylvia Kam; Lim Su Ann; Tang Phua Hwee; Simon Ling; Stacy Wei Ling Ng; Saumya Shekhar Jamua. A novel intronic variant in ROBO3 associated with horizontal gaze palsy with progressive scoliosis: case report and literature review. J AAPOS. 2023 Nov 4:S1091-8531(23)00229-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jaapos.2023.08.017. Online ahead of print.

  2. Sim B; Chng CL; Chia A; Seah LL. A retrospective study of Paediatric Thyroid Eye Disease: The Asian Experience. Orbit 2020 October 15, : 1-10

  3. Sim B, Yap GH, Chia A. Functional and psychosocial impact of strabismus on Singaporean children. Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS); JAAPOS. 2014 Apr;18(2):178-82. doi: 10.1016/j.jaapos.2013.11.013.

Research Trials