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Diabetes Treatment – Insulin

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Diabetes Treatment – Insulin - Handling

How should I handle Diabetes Treatment – Insulin safely?

Diabetes Treatment – Insulin - Storage

How should I store Diabetes Treatment – Insulin ?

​Handling and Storage

Unopened insulin should be stored in the refrigerator (not in the freezer). Frozen insulin cannot be used. You should always keep at least one extra vial or pen of each type of insulin.  

Once opened, the insulin vial or pen should be stored at room temperature and away from direct sunlight. The opened insulin vial or pen can be kept for four to six weeks depending on the type of insulin you use. Refer to your medication label to check how long you can keep your insulin for. 

When you are travelling, carry your insulin and syringes with you. Do not put the insulin in your check-in luggage or in your car boot.

Discard the insulin if

  • It has expired
  • Your insulin has changed colour
  • You are using a clear insulin and you find particles in it. Examples of clear insulins are Apidra, Novorapid, Actrapid and Glargine.
  • You are using a cloudy insulin and you see white substances that remain at the bottom of the container after mixing even after you roll the vial or pen thoroughly. Examples of cloudy insulins are Mixtard and Novomix.

How should I dispose of Diabetes Treatment – Insulin safely?

Diabetes Treatment – Insulin - Additional Information

  • Updated on 3/31/2023 12:00:00 AM
  • Article contributed by PSS National Medication Information Workgroup PSS National Medication Information Workgroup
The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth

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