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Limb Length Discrepancy (LLD) and Deformities

Limb Length Discrepancy (LLD) and Deformities - Symptoms

Limb Length Discrepancy (LLD) and Deformities - How to prevent?

Limb Length Discrepancy (LLD) and Deformities - Causes and Risk Factors

​Some of the conditions that can cause Limb Length Discrepancy are:

  • Hemi hypertrophy - Idiopathic (no known cause) or secondary to increase blood flow to the limb
  • Hip conditions - Like neglected dislocations
  • Arrest of the growth plate secondary to infections and injury to the growing areas of the lower limbs
  • Foot condition like clubfeet which causes the affected foot to be smaller leading to a shorter foot height and subsequently a shorter leg

Limb Length Discrepancy (LLD) and Deformities - Diagnosis

Limb Length Discrepancy (LLD) and Deformities - Preparing for surgery

Limb Length Discrepancy (LLD) and Deformities - Post-surgery care

Limb Length Discrepancy (LLD) and Deformities - Other Information

The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth

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