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Enlarged Neck Lymph Nodes

Enlarged Neck Lymph Nodes - What it is

Lymph nodes are small bean-shaped organs found throughout the body and linked by lymphatic channels. Lymph nodes are an important part of the immune system and act as “filters” which can trap foreign particles and cancer cells.

In their normal state, they are usually smaller than a pea in size, but in certain conditions, such as infections and cancers, they may become enlarged. When the lymph nodes in your neck are enlarged, you may be able to feel them as round to oval shaped swellings in your neck.

Enlarged Neck Lymph Nodes - Symptoms

Enlarged Neck Lymph Nodes - How to prevent?

Enlarged Neck Lymph Nodes - Treatments

Enlarged Neck Lymph Nodes - Preparing for surgery

Enlarged Neck Lymph Nodes - Post-surgery care

Enlarged Neck Lymph Nodes - Other Information

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