Hospital acquired infections
- How to prevent?
Every individual plays a part in the prevention of hospital acquired infections, healthcare workers, patients and visitors alike.
Healthcare workers play their part in the prevention of transmission of infection by exercising infection control measures such as hand hygiene (handwashing with soap and water or the use of alcohol-based hand disinfectant) before and after patient encounter as well as donning of protective barrier (gloves and gowns) and respiratory masks in the appropriate setting. Also, they are advised to take medical leave when they are unwell.
When medical instruments are no longer required for the care of the patient, they are removed as soon as possible to reduce the risk of hospital acquired infections.
Patients can also play an active role. When they have recovered from their acute illness, by actively participating in rehabilitation activities to improve their mobility and functional status, they can reduce their risk of respiratory tract and urinary tract infections.
Visitors who are unwell are advised to stay home instead of coming to the hospital for visitation.
For individuals who have potential or actual transmissible infections, they are usually nursed in special wards (isolation facility) with specific precautions as advised by the infection control prevention team.