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Awards & Achievements


Conference/ Award
Date of Award
12th Asia-Pacific Vitreo-retina Society (APVRS) Congress
APVRS Constable Lecture
A/Prof Gemmy Cheung
15 December 2018
​Eye and Vision Health Award
​Visionary Award
​Prof Aung Tin
​14 December 2018
​Philippine Glaucoma Society
​Manuel B. Agulto Award
​Prof Aung Tin
​14 December 2018
​American Academy of Ophthalmology
​Senior Achievement Award
​Prof Chee Soon Phaik
​27 October 2018
​American Academy of Ophthalmology
​AAO Achievement Award
​Dr Anshu Arundhati
​27 October 2018
​SingHealth Publish! Award 
​Dr Chetna Dhand
​17 October 2018
​SingHealth Publish! Award 
​Dr Daniel Ting
​17 October 2018
​Singapore Manufacturing Federation
​Singapore Manufacturing Federation Award
​Dr Livia Teo
Prof Seah Lay Leng
​26 September 2018
​SingHealth Duke-NUS Scientific Congress 
​Best Poster Award
​Dr Preeti Gupta
​22 September 2018
​European Society of Retina Specialists (EURETINA)
​Euretina Lecture
​Prof Wong Tien Yin
​20 September 2018
​RiSE (Residency in SingHealth Excels) Awards Ceremony
​Partners in Education
​Ms Zainorah Alias
​23 August 2018
​RiSE (Residency in SingHealth Excels) Awards Ceremony
​Residents Committee Appreciation Award
​Dr Reuben Foo
​23 August 2018
​RiSE (Residency in SingHealth Excels) Awards Ceremony
​Inspiring Resident-Educator Award
​Dr Olivia Huang
​23 August 2018
​RiSE (Residency in SingHealth Excels) Awards Ceremony
​Outstanding Resident Award 
​Dr Olivia Huang
​23 August 2018
​RiSE (Residency in SingHealth Excels) Awards Ceremony
​Outstanding Resident Award 
​Dr Ng Si Rui
​23 August 2018
​RiSE (Residency in SingHealth Excels) Awards Ceremony
​Outstanding Resident Award 
​Dr Nathalie Chiam
​23 August 2018
​RiSE (Residency in SingHealth Excels) Awards Ceremony
​Outstanding Resident Award 
​Dr Nicole Sie Ming
​23 August 2018
​RiSE (Residency in SingHealth Excels) Awards Ceremony
​Outstanding Resident Award 
​Dr Melissa Wong
​23 August 2018
​RiSE (Residency in SingHealth Excels) Awards Ceremony
​Outstanding Resident Award 
​A/Prof Shamira Perera
​23 August 2018
​RiSE (Residency in SingHealth Excels) Awards Ceremony
​Outstanding Resident Award 
​A/Prof Tina Wong
​23 August 2018
​RiSE (Residency in SingHealth Excels) Awards Ceremony
​Faculty Appreciation Award
​Adj A/Prof Audrey Chia
​23 August 2018
​National Day Awards 
​Long Service Medal
​A/Prof Ian Yeo
​​10 August 2018
​National Day Awards 
​Long Service Medal
​A/Prof Edmund Wong
​​10 August 2018
​National Day Awards 
​Long Service Medal
​Prof Sharon Tow
​​10 August 2018
​National Day Awards 
​Long Service Medal
​Dr Ti Seng Ei
​​10 August 2018
​World Ophthalmology Congress
​Cataract Olympics Freestyle - Gold Medal
​Prof Chee Soon Phaik
​17 June 2018
​SingHealth Duke-NUS Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple Professorship in Ophthalmology
​Prof Aung Tin
​24 May 2018
​Singapore National Academy of Science (SNAS) Fellowships
​Fellow of the Singapore National Academy of Science
​Prof Wong Tien Yin
​22 May 2018
​SingHealth Excellence Awards
​Distinguished Young Researcher Award
​A/Prof Daniel Ting
14 May 2018​
​American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS)
​Cataract Olympics - Silver and Gold Medal
​Prof Chee Soon Phaik
​15 April 2018
​The 6th Fuchs Symposium
​Charles Tillet Lecturer
​Prof Donald Tan
​3 March 2018
​19th Global Ophthalmology Summit
​Conference Series - Best Young Researcher Award
​Edward Lim
​26 February 2018
​Australia and New Zealand Corneal Society 
​Douglas Coster Medal Lecture
​A/Prof Jod Mehta
​24 February 2018
​Asia- Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) 
​Outstanding Service in Prevention of Blindness Award
​A/Prof Eranga Vithana
​8 February 2018
​Asia- Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) 
​APAO Achievement Award
​Dr Ti Seng Ei
​​8 February 2018
​Asia- Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) 
​APAO Achievement Award
​Dr Choo Chai Teck
​​8 February 2018
​Asia- Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) 
​APAO Achievement Award
​Dr Marcus Ang
​​8 February 2018
​Asia- Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) 
​Fellow of AAPPO (Academy of Asia-Pacific Professors of Ophthalmology)
​Prof Chee Soon Phaik
​​8 February 2018
​Asia- Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) 
​Distinguished Service Award
​Dr Mohamad Rosman
​​8 February 2018
​Asia- Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) 
​APAO Achievement Award
​Dr Gary Yam 
​​8 February 2018
​Asia- Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) 
​APAO Senior Achievement Award
​Prof Aung Tin
​​8 February 2018
​SingHealth Duke-NUS Research Appreciation Award
​Peace Prize Award
​Prof Ecosse Lamoureux
​24 January 2018
