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Continuing Medical Education (CME)

Continuing Medical Education (CME) and structured teaching for trainees and faculty form the foundation of SNEC’s education programme.  The Training and Education Department coordinates and organises a wide spectrum of teaching activities for all doctors, nurses and allied health professionals. 

Continuing Medical Education (CME)
Conducted every Wednesday afternoon, the CME programme involves a discussion session with emphasis on problem cases, assessment of risks and management issues.  The 3-hour weekly teaching session is targeted at Ophthalmology residents nationally with a planned 2-year curriculum.  The curriculum includes topics from various subspecialties and the sessions are rotated in three institutions, namely Singapore National Eye Centre, Tan Tock Seng Hospital and the National University Hospital.  The objective of the program is to equip Ophthalmology residents with knowledge on various eye conditions that is essential for every aspiring Ophthalmologist.  Speakers are encouraged to move towards interactive/discussion-based teaching.

Continuing Professional Education (CPE)
Similar to CMEs, nurses, optometrists and orthoptists and other allied ophthalmic personnel organise continuing professional educational activities and these are organised on a regular basis for the respective group of healthcare professionals and CPE points are given through their professional organisations. These programs are open to all the relevant healthcare professionals.  

Subspecialty Teaching Activities
There are several subspecialty teaching activities and these are usually monthly (or quarterly) rounds and/or journal clubs planned a year in advance. These are attended by SNEC residents and SNEC Faculty of the respective subspecialty. There is a Chairperson and Coordinator for every teaching activity and focus on subspecialty-based learning.  Overseas ophthalmologists and experts have also been invited to share the latest technique and clinical management on a wide range of topics.

Peer Review Learning (PRL) 
Peer Review Learning (PRL) sessions are conducted to be in line with Singapore’s Ministry of Health (MOH)’s mandate that all specialists must attend at least once a quarter as part of credentialing, re-credentialing and privileging process.  A minimum of one clinical case must be presented and documented for each monthly clinical round to fulfil MOH’s new KPI.  Common subspecialty cases that a general Ophthalmologist is expected to see should be discussed at these rounds.